Bringing Climate Back into Balance
Rebalancing our world is the new 'North Star' for many folks. This page is to share the work of others who are striving to rebalance our world, create rain, revitalize soil, and replant forests, so that nature will have the tools and responsive environment necessary to slow down warming, promote cooling, and sustain life, as we know it, on this beautiful blue ball we call home.
Spokane Centric
Spokane Permaculture - This meet up is open to everyone, but you must register. She holds meetings in the Shadle Library
Grant Announcement:
Soil Health
Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach
is the Essence of Soil Regeneration.This 3-step approach can be used to restore soil biology within a few months in most cases. After discovering the Soil Food Web Approach (Nature’s Soil Operating System) nearly four decades ago and pioneering research in the field, Dr. Elaine Ingham is recognized as the foremost soil biologist in the world.
The complete Soil Food Web can be found in virgin soils around the world.
Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach is the key to rapid and effective soil regeneration. Only with the complete soil food web in place, can the ecological functions of the soil be restored, protecting and purifying the world’s waterways, reversing Climate Change and providing super-nutritious foods. Using BioComplete™ Soil Amendments, most soils can be regenerated in the first growing season.
is the Essence of Soil Regeneration.This 3-step approach can be used to restore soil biology within a few months in most cases. After discovering the Soil Food Web Approach (Nature’s Soil Operating System) nearly four decades ago and pioneering research in the field, Dr. Elaine Ingham is recognized as the foremost soil biologist in the world.
The complete Soil Food Web can be found in virgin soils around the world.
Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web Approach is the key to rapid and effective soil regeneration. Only with the complete soil food web in place, can the ecological functions of the soil be restored, protecting and purifying the world’s waterways, reversing Climate Change and providing super-nutritious foods. Using BioComplete™ Soil Amendments, most soils can be regenerated in the first growing season.
Regen Ag 101 They are the world’s preeminent experts, pioneers and advocates in today’s regenerative agricultural movement. Through years of practical experience on their own farms and ranches, and by learning from other experts and researchers across the globe, they’ve learned how to successfully farm and ranch in nature’s image—to grow healthier soil, food, farms and profits. And they’ve dedicated their lives to teaching others how to do the same.
But not everyone can attend their in-person training, so these “Soil Whisperers” created Regen Ag 101, a virtual Soil Health Academy school that farmers, educators, gardeners and other friends of the earth can access 24/7 from virtually anywhere.
But not everyone can attend their in-person training, so these “Soil Whisperers” created Regen Ag 101, a virtual Soil Health Academy school that farmers, educators, gardeners and other friends of the earth can access 24/7 from virtually anywhere.
Land and Water
Water Stories Founded by Zack Weiss, works allover the world to create landscapes that are healthy and productive. He also provides trainings for those wishing to create a career out of restoring Earth health.