What Does Your City Look Like?
Spending money on risk management, in this time of dramatic change, may be better diverted to:
Soil Smart Soil Wise Strategy
Revitalizing soil is the first step in keeping the water we get. By enhancing the symbiotic relationships in the Biotic Pump - soil, plants, clouds - cities can cool, and become drought, fire, and flood resistant all at the same time - what's not to love?
Each of us has something we can do to revitalize LIFE
Government, with the correct policies and ordinances, can become both a driver and support for residents and businesses to partner with nature to revitalize the places where we live and work. The health of the community is the work of governance. Only a healthy ecosystem will assure a healthy community. Everything we do either makes our ecosystem either thrive or degrades it. Our choices make the difference!
When taking a whole system approach, each part of the system is critical, and each area needs to be healthy and capable of playing its part effectively. There are no heroes, only partnership matters.
When taking a whole system approach, each part of the system is critical, and each area needs to be healthy and capable of playing its part effectively. There are no heroes, only partnership matters.
Policies, procedures, aligning departments, and reducing costs.
ResidentsManaging land in concert with nature, neighbors and the city.
Developing residential areas that hold water and reduce energy use.
Regenerative Agriculture
One of the biggest levers we have to address the crises of weather and biodiversity loss. Agriculture's role, in helping wildlife and in replenishing the aquifer, can't be underestimated.
Every City Has a
What Other Cities Are Doing
Los Angeles
"The Nation that destroys its soil destroys itself."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
About Us
Revealing to humans the agency we have to help LIFE thrive here on Earth by revitalizing the cities we already live in.